Starbucking..Every Single God Damn One.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

So I caught this movie on demand today with my girlfriend and I just HAD to blog about it. The movie is called "Starbucking" and its about this one mans journey across the world, to visit every single Starbucks store EVER.

I know a lot of you might be like, who the fuck would pay $4.99 on demand to watch such a stupid documentary (besides me)..well. Just watch it. It's good, or hell you can even pirate it. Try looking for a torrent.

The mans name is Winter. Yes thats right, Winter. And thats it. He legally changed his name to Winter. THATS IT FOLKS. He doesnt have a last name for first name or middle name. His full name is Winter.

The movie is like an other documentary and just follows him around to each state and country as he visits as many Starbucks as he can. At each one he consumes 4oz of coffee or a shot of expresso. He sets a limit in the movie for visintg 29 Starbucks in one day. On cup 27 he looks likes he just smoked a phat ass bowl of crack.

Imagine that, drinking so much of that caffeine is like taking speed or snorting some coke. In the movie they show how a college Philosophy class is looking at Winter and trying to figure out his motives. Some of them believe he's bi-polar, narcoleptic, or just flat our crazy. You can see in the movie something is wrong with him. He's always jittery and in a hurry, running in and out of each Starbucks...I mean I wouldn't blame him, for the past 7-10 years hes being doing this.

You can find out more on WINTERS website here:

and more about the actual movie here: