The "Goog" Phone by Google. Awesome.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

So its only about time that some other large corperate company releases there own cell phone. The iPhone for example by Apple. (I know its fairly old but still..)

The Gphone (dubbed Tmobile G-1) is being released by..well Tmobile. When I heard the phone was manufactured by HTC I got excited. HTC has some pretty badass phones, and I love my phone from HTC (at&t tilt).

At first I heard rumors of the phone having a monthly data limit. What the fuck? 1GB a month? That pissed a ton of people off. Why? Because thats fucking stupid. You buy an unlimited monthly data plan, for unlimited data. What does this seem like? A scheme to get more money once everybody goes over the monthly limit? Well of course they took this concept off. Saved a lot of customers there dickwads.

Lets take a look at some concept designs, then the actual phone:


mm okay okay, nice google nice!

and, the actual phone:

oh... (is that a fucking sidekick?)

Well..I guess they call them concept designs for a reason.

Now lets take a look at the features of this phone (or what they tell us now).
It is a smartphone, one of the first from Tmobile I think. It will also run googles mobile device smartphone software, Android. Ahh Android. Haven't really seen it applied to well..anything. Its supposed to mimick Linux but more user friendly. I saw some screens of it running on the cell phone and it looks a lot like the Mac OS. How stable is Android? Who knows. But lets give them a shot.
Key features:

+Touch Screen
+Slide out QWERTY keyboard
+User friendly web browser
+3MP Camera
+Customazible Home Screen (well..duh)
+Easy access to google applications(gmail,youtube, google talk,etc) *
+1GB memory card for music, photos, etc
+3G network (a must for all of todays smartphones)
+Download Androids Applications far as it seems, these are very basic options and features seen in pretty much every single smartphone ALREADY on the market. Whats the big catch with this? I think they are trying to grab you at the whol Android OS and "Google Apps Implementation". Is that all? Thats This shit fucking sucks. It looks just like a god damn sidekick too.

* Ah yey. Google/Android Apps. So inovative google! We have never seen this before. Oh wait...iPhone anybody? This is an EXACT spin-off of the iPhone Apps. Users will be able to make and download apps for Android (which might be..pretty hard to develope at this tage) and the oh so awesome implemented google apps. (because you cant check your fucking gmail on any other phone.)

So what does this shit have that is so SPECIAL? Absolutely fucking NOTHING. The big attraction is that its made by Google! OMG! GOOGLE! YAAAY!

Whats next? Phones from Yahoo? Phones from AskJeeves? A fucking Redtube phone?

But hey, the price isnt too bad. Well...the suggested price.
Set to release around October 22, 2008. The T-Mobile states "at prices, as low as , $179.99 with 2 year contract." So hey! If you arn't already signed up for T-Mobiles shitty service, cancel your plan with AT&T because this phone is going to be so awesome!


Anonymous said...

I would totally get a RedTube phone.